Alexandra Cosima Budabin's new book, "Batman Saves the Congo"

August 11, 2021
Front cover for book "Batman saves the Congo" by Alexandra Cosima Budabin

Alexandra Cosima Budabin, class of '00, recently co-authored her first book with Lisa A. Richey of the Copenhagen Business School: Batman Saves the Congo: How Celebrities Disrupt the Politics of Development, from the University of Minnesota Press.

Can a celebrity be a “disrupter,” promoting strategic partnerships to bring new ideas and funding to revitalize the development field—or are celebrities just charismatic ambassadors for big business? Examining the role of the rich and famous in development and humanitarianism, Batman Saves the Congo argues that celebrities do both, and that understanding why and how yields insight into the realities of neoliberal development.

 You can learn more and read the introduction on the publication website.